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Working with Prometheus

OpenCost allows you to export pricing data to Prometheus and then write custom queries for cost insights. Below are instructions for accomplishing this and a set of example queries to get you started.

Note: Configuring a Prometheus client is not necessary to emit cost metrics.


- job_name: opencost
honor_labels: true
scrape_interval: 1m
scrape_timeout: 10s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
- targets:
- < address of opencost service> # example: <service-name>.<namespace>:<port>

Example queries

Below are a set of sample queries that can be run after Prometheus begins ingesting OpenCost data:

Total cost of the cluster workload the last 30 days

sum by (type, namespace) (
avg by (container, node, namespace, pod) (container_memory_allocation_bytes)
* on (node) group_left ()
avg by (node) (node_ram_hourly_cost)
(1024 * 1024 * 1024)
avg by (container, node, namespace, pod) (container_cpu_allocation)
* on (node) group_left ()
avg by (node) (node_cpu_hourly_cost)
avg by (container, node, namespace, pod) (container_gpu_allocation)
* on (node) group_left ()
avg by (node) (node_gpu_hourly_cost)
avg by (persistentvolume, namespace, pod) (pod_pvc_allocation)
* on (persistentvolume) group_left ()
avg by (persistentvolume) (pv_hourly_cost)
(1024 * 1024 * 1024)
* 24 * 30
  • 30 Represents the duration over which the data is aggregated, which is 30 days in this case.
  • 5m Defines the accuracy of the data. Modify this to adjust precision:
    • Decrease (e.g., to 1m): Enhances accuracy. It's typically not recommended to set it below the Prometheus scraping interval (1m by default)
    • Increase Enhances the performance of the query.
  • sum by (type, namespace) controls the grouping, available options are container, namespace, node, pod, type

Hourly memory cost for the default namespace

avg(container_memory_allocation_bytes{namespace="default"}) by (instance) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
on(instance) group_left() avg(node_ram_hourly_cost) by (instance)

Monthly cost of provisioned nodes


Available Metrics

Note: Metrics today have both instance and node labels. The instance label will be deprecated in a future version.

node_cpu_hourly_costHourly cost per vCPU on this node
node_gpu_hourly_costHourly cost per GPU on this node
node_ram_hourly_costHourly cost per GiB of memory on this node
node_total_hourly_costTotal node cost per hour
kubecost_load_balancer_costHourly cost of a load balancer
kubecost_cluster_management_costHourly cost paid as a cluster management fee
pv_hourly_costHourly cost per GiB on a persistent volume
node_gpu_countNumber of GPUs available on node
container_cpu_allocationAverage number of CPUs requested/used over last 1m
container_gpu_allocationAverage number of GPUs requested over last 1m
container_memory_allocation_bytesAverage bytes of RAM requested/used over last 1m
pod_pvc_allocationBytes provisioned for a PVC attached to a pod
kubecost_node_is_spotCloud provider info about node preemptibility
kubecost_network_zone_egress_costTotal cost per GiB egress across zones
kubecost_network_region_egress_costTotal cost per GiB egress across regions
kubecost_network_internet_egress_costTotal cost per GiB of internet egress
service_selector_labelsService Selector Labels
deployment_match_labelsDeployment Match Labels
statefulSet_match_labelsStatefulSet Match Labels
kubecost_cluster_memory_working_set_bytesCreated by recording rule
kubecost_http_requests_totalTotal number of http requests serviced
kubecost_http_response_time_secondsResponse time in seconds
kubecost_http_response_size_bytesResponse size in bytes
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